

Having spent the last four nights shouting the house down, Yogi settled in his crate last night, and was calm until six!

The house training has been a mixed bag. He’s taken into the garden regularly, after meals, and whenever he wakes up. So far we haven’t had a single ‘major’ incident. However, there have been several ‘minors’, when we’ve taken our eye off the ball.

He’s pretty good overnight, which may be due to the fact that I’m using a smaller crate than with previous pups, so he has more incentive to keep his sleeping area clean.

The idea for a smaller crate came from the Guide Dog’s Puppy Walking Department, who have created as series of documents (available online) as resource for their puppy walkers. I’ve found them to be a mine of useful information.

#TheRedDogCompany #WirehairedVizsla #Dogtraining #Gundog